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SR Orthotyp S PE

SR Orthotyp S PE is a distinctive posterior tooth for sophisticated needs. Its esthetic and functional characteristics are matched to those of the SR Vivodent S PE teeth.

Functional design

The re-engineered posterior tooth features a modern appearance and fulfils the high esthetic and prosthetic demands of today’s dentures. The functional occlusal design has remained unaltered.

Highly cross-linked DCL material

The new teeth are made entirely of highly cross-linked DCL polymer (Double Cross-Linked). This material displays a higher compressive strength but a similar flexibility to that of conventional PMMA. As a result, extended denture longevity can be expected.

The exclusive PE shade system comprises 20 vibrant shade nuances.


  • Traditional occlusal concept
  • Exclusive PE shades
  • Highly cross-linked DCL material


  • Complete dentures
  • Implant-supported complete dentures
  • Partial dentures
  • Combination dentures