IPS e.max Accessories

Various accessories facilitate and support the processing of IPS e.max restorations.

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IPS Natural Die Material

The shade guide facilitates the determination of the desired tooth shade after the preparation.

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IPS Silicone Ring

Silicone rings in three sizes are available for the investment of IPS Empress and IPS e.max restorations. They can be re-used several times and can easily be used under running water.

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IPS e.max Investment Ring System

The IPS Investment Ring System is available in three sizes. It is composed of a grey ring gauge and a ring base and is used to sprue the contoured restorations. The 100 g and 200 g investment rings are used for IPS e.max Press, IPS e.max ZirPress and IPS InLine PoM; the 300 g investment ring is used only for IPS e.max ZirPress and IPS InLine PoM.

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IPS e.max Alox Plunger

The ceramic ingot is pressed in its softened state into the hollow space in the investment ring by means of the IPS Alox plunger. Due to its diameter, it is exclusively suitable for the IPS Investment Ring System. 

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IPS e.max Alox Plunger Separator

The IPS Alox Plunger Separator prevents the ingot from sticking to the Alox plunger during pressing and cooling in the investment ring.

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IPS e.max Press Invex

The IPS e.max Press Invex Liquid is used to soften the surface reaction layer formed on pressed IPS e.max Press and ZirPress frameworks during the pressing procedure.

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IPS Object Fix Flow / Putty

IPS Object Fix Flow and Putty are auxiliary firing pastes with different viscosities to support all-ceramic restorations during firing and crystallization.

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IPS Ingot Tongs

The IPS Ingot Tongs are used to simultaneously place several IPS e.max ZirPress or IPS InLine ingots in the 300 g investment ring.

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IPS PressVEST Premium

IPS PressVest Premium can be used in the popular speed heating procedure as well as with conventional heating methods. It offers impressive accuracy of fit, minimal reaction layer and produces silky smooth, homogeneous surfaces.

Viteo Base Ti NB-NA 43 MD_0061magnifying glass

Viteo Base

Viteo Base is made of titanium and provides a strong base for an effective bond and as a consequence for long-lasting restorations.