Alloy Visualmagnifying glass

Callisto CPG

Callisto CPG is cobalt-chromium-base ceramic alloy with palladium content. The low density makes this alloy especially economical and the fixed price keeps the costs consistent.

Diagramm_Callisto_CPGmagnifying glass


  • Onlays, ¾ crowns, crowns
  • Telescope crowns, conus crowns
  • Bridges
  • Wide-span bridges
  • Cast posts / cores, bars, attachments
  • Implant-supported superstructures
  • Partial dentures

Technical Data

Composition (%):  Co 39.9 | Cr 21.3 | Pd 24.6 | Mo 11.6 | W 1.2 | Fe <1.0, Ta <1.0, B <1.0, Au <1.0, Al <1.0
ISO  22674:2016
ADA Class: Noble
Type / Color: 5 / White
Density (g/cm³) 9.3
Melting Range (Solidus/Liquidus): 1185 - 1275 °C
Elastic Modulus (GPa): 230
As Cast            Porcelain Fired   
Vickers Hardness: 335                     350
Tensile Strength (MPa): 820                     830
0.2% Proof Stress (MPa):  600                     665
Elongation (%): 10                        10


  • Economical due to low density
  • Calculable due to fixed price
  • Wide range of indications
  • Compatible with conventional metal-ceramics (e.g. IPS Style) and laboratory composites (e.g. SR Nexco)
  • Certified biocompatibility

Processing Data

Investment Material:  Phosphate-bonded
Preheating / Burn- out Temperature: 750 - 820 °C
Crucible  Ceramic crucible
Casting Temperature: 1335 - 1395 °C
Oxidation  °C/min/Vacuum: 900 / 1 / No
CTE: (25 – 500 °C): 14.2 x 10-6 /K
Recommended Metal Ceramic: IPS Style, IPS InLine One, IPS InLine, IPS InLine PoM, IPS Classic, IPS d.SIGN
Laser Welding Wire: Laser Ceramic White