Tetric EvoFlow BulkFill_933x408magnifying glass

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill allows the same excellent esthetic results to be achieved in the posterior region as conventional composites. This has been confirmed by a multi-centre study conducted by Miletic, PhD, MSc, Prof. Dr Hickel, Prof. Dr Van Meerbeek and Prof. Dr Tarle.*

The flowable Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill with its dentin-like translucency is the perfect complement to Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill, which features enamel-like translucency. Both composites come in the universal shades IVA, IVB and IVW and provide an ideal blend of esthetics and efficiency, while also addressing the issue of shrinkage stress.
Efficient Esthetics


  • Increments of up to 4 mm
  • Dentin-like or enamel-like volume replacement
  • 10 seconds (>1000 mW/cm2)
  • Time savings of 47% compared to the conventional technique**
  • Chameleon effect

Tetric EvoFlow Bulk Fill forms a part of the "Direct Restoratives" product category. The products of this category cover the procedure involved in the direct restoration of teeth – from preparation to restoration care. The products are optimally coordinated with each other and enable successful processing and application. You can find more information about the efficient esthetics workflow here.

*Vesna Miletic, Reinhard Hickel, Bart Van Meerbeek, Zrinka Tarle (2018); Bulk- versus layer-filled Class-II restorations: 1-year ‘CED-IADR’ PBRN clinical study; CED-IADR
**Compared to Tetric EvoFlow and Tetric EvoCeram. Data available on request.