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OptraGate in blue and pink

Especially children are very demanding with regard to comfort. OptraGate is very comfortable to wear thanks to the soft, flexible and latex-free material.

The newest colour variations in blue and pink increase the age-appropriate motivation of children and therefore improve patient compliance during the treatment.

OptraGate in blue and pink helps to playfully ease the treatment situation right at the beginning. Young patients get the emotional support they need. Satisfied patients establish a good basis for a good reputation and sustained success.

OptraGate in blue and pink is available in the sizes Junior and Small from now on.

NEW: Assistance in choosing the correct size:

The correct choice of the suitable size is a prerequisite for an optimum position of the lip and cheek retractor. OptraGate in blue and pink includes an orientation aid for an easier choice of the correct size. It is directly printed onto the foil bag of each OptraGate.

It’s as easy as this:

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1. Estimate the distance of the corners of the mouth with the patient's mouth in a relaxed position (closed or slightly opened lips) using the scale on the foil bag.

Follow the slightly curved line of the lips. This will lower the risk of selecting a size that will be too small.

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2. Choose the recommended size according to the marking.

Should the measured distance of the corners of the mouth lie between two sizes, it is recommended to choose the bigger size.

3. Insert the correct size.

The instructions on the flow chart and the flow chart video, which can be easily accessed via the QR code printed on the foil bag, offer additional assistance.

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