Programat CS4_933x408magnifying glass

Programat CS4

Programat CS4 is the ideal sintering, crystallization and glazing furnace for dental practices.

Programat CS4 is a compact multifunction furnace for dental practices. It is designed for sintering zirconia restorations, e.g. IPS e.max ZirCAD, using a temperature of up to 1,600 °C. The furnace can also be employed as a glazing and crystallization furnace for IPS e.max CAD and IPS Empress CAD restorations. The speed sintering program allows zirconia restorations to be manufactured directly in the dental practice in a single session.

A clearly arranged membrane-sealed keypad with graphic display enables easy operation. Both pre-set and individual programs for third-party materials are available. Programat CS4 is a stand-alone furnace that features an open system.


  • Fast sintering of IPS e.max ZirCAD
  • Crystallization of IPS e.max CAD
  • Glaze program for IPS e.max ZirCAD, IPS e.max CAD and IPS Empress CAD
  • High processing capacity (up to six units)
  • Open system
  • Simple and language-independent operation due to the proven combination of membrane-sealed keypad and graphic display
  • Power Saving Technology
  • Compact design
  • Possibility of on-site temperature calibration
  • OSD (Optical Status Display)
  • Remote control via PC/laptop by means of PrograBase3 software