Cavifil Injector

magnifying glass

The Cavifil Injector enables users to apply light-curing restoratives in Ivoclar Vivadent Cavifils directly into the cavity.

The Cavifil Injector allows molars at the back of the oral cavity to be reached comfortably. Depending on the position of the jaw and cavity, the capsules containing the restorative materials – known as Cavifils – can be turned 360° in the injector. In addition, high-viscosity materials can be dispensed with ease because of the high transmission ratio of the injector. The Cavifils can be easily changed.

Delivery forms

The following Ivoclar Vivadent products are available in Cavifils:

  • IPS Empress Direct

  • Tetric family
    Tetric EvoCeram Bulk Fill
    Tetric EvoCeram
    Tetric EvoFlow
    Tetric Ceram HB
  • Heliomolar family
    Heliomolar HB
  • Compoglass family
    Compoglass F
    Compoglass Flow

  • Helioseal F

  • Telio family
    Telio Inlay / Onlay