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IPS Empress Cementation and Care

Adhesive cementation

The quality and durability of ceramic restorations can be supported by the use of the correct luting material. Therefore, trust the clinically proven Ivoclar Vivadent luting materials that have been tried and tested many times for the adhesive cementation of your IPS Empress restorations. Variolink Esthetic and Multilink Automix.

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Variolink Estethic

The light- and dual-curing esthetic luting composite combines exceptional esthetics with ease of use. The Effect shade concept enables a gradual brightening or darkening of the restoration.

Multilink Automix

Together with the self-etching Multilink Primer A/B the universal all-rounder Mutlilink Automix can be processed quickly and efficiently. In addition to the convenient application and the wide range of indications, Multilink Automix provides excellent bonding values and good dentin sealing.


If the high-quality LED polymerization light Bluephase is used, users may benefit from efficient processing times during cementation.

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Etching and silanization

Lithium disilicate (LS2) restorations are generally etched before incorporation! IPS Ceramic Etching Gel (20 s) is used to generate retentive bonding surfaces on all-ceramic restorations in preparation for incorporation. It enhances the bonding effect between the luting composite and the ceramic bonding surface.

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With adhesive and self-adhesive cementation of IPS e.max lithium disilicate (LS2) restorations, as well as the adhesive cementation of zirconium oxide (ZrO2), Monobond Plus (60 s) is used for silanization. Silanization is not required for the self-adhesive cementation of ZrO2. This also applies to conventional cementation. Monobond Plus is a primer mediating an adhesive bond between the luting composite (particularly the Variolink and Multilink product lines) and all indirect restorative materials (glass and oxide ceramics, metals, composites, fibre-reinforced composites).

Monobond Etch&Primemagnifying glass

Glass-ceramic restorations are generally etched before they are seated. Monobond Etch & Prime is a new single-component ceramic primer that allows you to etch and silanate glass-ceramic surfaces in one easy step. The need for using hydrofluoric acid is eliminated.

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Professional care and aftercare

Same as natural teeth, high-quality all-ceramic restorations need regular professional care. This is beneficial for both the health of the gingiva and teeth, as well as the overall appearance. With the pumice-free polishing paste Proxyt pink, valuable surfaces are gently treated and maintained without abrasion.

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Finding your way with the Cementation Navigation System

The Cementation Navigation System, the popular multimedia application from Ivoclar Vivadent, offers dentists practical orientation and guidance in the selection of the best luting material for each case.
