IPS Empress CAD
IPS Empress CAD is associated with more than 20 years of successful clinical performance. It closely reproduces the natural tooth structure due to its distinct chameleon effect and natural
fluorescence. IPS Empress CAD is known for the highest levels of esthetics and can be easily polished to a high gloss. Grind – polish – done.
Once produced, restorations can be:
- polished
- stained (optional) – glazed
- Crowns
- Inlays, onlays
- Veneers
- Highly esthetic restorations, efficiently created
- Clinically proven ceramic material with a flexural strength of 185 MPa*
- Optimum shade adjustment to the natural tooth structure due to the chameleon effect
*Average biaxial flexural strength, measured over 10 years. Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Schaan, Liechtenstein